Shared Folder disappeared in Veertu – Windows 7 Fix

After a recent upgrade to the Veertu virtualization software, many users – including myself – have been surprised to find out that the Shared Folder with the Mac OS X host has all but disappeared into oblivion, re-installing the Guest Additions did not at all resolve the issue.

Browsing thru Veertu’s Knowledge Base I came across an article that described this particular problem and relates it to having the newer share folder driver signing done with SHA256 whereas Windows 7 only supports SHA128 out of the box (or at least, without much updating whatsoever).

Fixing it (thus getting back the Shared Folders) is rather easy:

  1. Fetch and install the respective updates from Microsoft:
    1. Windows 7 x86 / 32-bit SHA256 driver signing update
    2. Windows 7 x64 / 64-bit SHA256 driver signing update
  2. Reinstall the Guest Additions in your Virtual Machine