Open the Home app, then select the HomePod, scroll down to Accessibility, turn on Touch accommodations and finally enable Hold Duration, set it to a few seconds (as of writing, 4 seconds is the maximum).
Category - OS X
Remove the AnyConnect .plist from the LaunchAgents by issuing: sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/
Type the following in a Terminal: defaults write appswitcher-all-displays -bool true killall Dock
From macOS Catalina 10.15 and up, issue the following to list the available install images: softwareupdate --list-full-installers This will produce a list similar to this: Finding available softwareSoftware Update found...
Close all your Safari instances across all your iDevices – preferably close the tabs as well. Open up a Terminal and issue the following, once Safari is closed everywhere: rm...
Getting the dreaded LoadError during a pod install is always disheartening, especially during a somewhat transitional time period. Even worse is the case where you get such an error as the outcome of an rbenv install...
Let's use the built-in diff tool to compare directory contents!
It is possible to have live markdown preview with the Marked 2 app (even from the Mac AppStore) while editing under Sublime Text – using a custom Build System! To do so, follow these steps: open Tools > Build System >...
After hitting the Update button, the dreaded “waiting” state shows up, only to not be accompanied by any progress, shape of form. Launching Console yields no discernible results apart from an off-putting occasional...
If you need to free up some space and you are definitely sure that there could be nothing important / indispensable within your local Time Machine snapshots / backups, then issue the following command to regain the disk space...